This is my first crack at blogging. I think I've been put off in the past because of the name - blog. It just sounds so unattractive. Blog. Bog. Bleck! But the concept has won me over, and I think this is a time in my life when I have something to say, to chronicle, perhaps worthy of sharing to whomever wants to read it. I'm open and honest and like to talk and share - so why not write, too.
This blog doesn't have a single direction, but is basically a 'diary' of the coming years as my husband, daughter and I go through some massive challenges, changes and adventures - the good, the bad, the ugly... the wonderful, the beautiful, too.
I'm a busy mum to a wonderful one-year-old who melts my heart every single day in one way or another - or twenty! I'm a wife to an amazing husband who is endlessly patient with and supportive of me - though like any real couple, we bug the snot out of each other at times and need to work things through. I work part-time and will be taking on full-time study soon, too *gulp*. We are proud first-time mortgage owners with a house that needs some love, and money is quite tight. I'm Christian, I love Jesus with my whole heart and my faith plays a big part in my life so will often feature on here (though I'm not a preacher and don't pretend to be an expert - it's only MY journey and experience). Oh, and I have a cat whose name is Possum. He's my buddy, who I rescued back in 2008. I'm his favourite human.
I love writing and find it quite therapeutic, and will be using this blog as self-therapy - using the world as a sounding board. But mostly it's just for me, to look back on and see how far I've come and what I've achieved because sometimes when you've had your head down and butt up, you lose sight of how much ground you've covered. This blog is my rear-view mirror.
I have no expectations on myself of how often I will write. If I plan to write once a week but then don't find time for a month, I'll get annoyed at myself. I'm that kind of person. However, if I give myself permission to write only when the urge strikes, or if I have a lot on my mind and need to get it out, I'll be a much happier camper and you'll avoid crappy posts not worth reading, just to get my quota up!
I've chosen the name "Winging it" because that is the only way I think I'll be making it through the next few years - taking each day as it comes, meeting those challenges and trying to keep the battle wounds and melt-downs to a minimum (though sometimes a good cry makes the world of difference). Winging it will also be a challenge for this planner and self-confessed control freak (of myself, not anyone else! I'm a nice person!)
So welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy this blog. It'd be great to have some company!
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